by Thierry Couteau | 29 Nov 2019
Trancoso South of Bahia, on the coast. A square which seems like a work of art: the Quadrado, the “square” in English. It is actually less square than it is rectangular, has a green lawn and the houses around it are small and colorful. An immaculate 17th...
by Thierry Couteau | 29 Nov 2019
Barra Grande & Itacaré When going down the southern coast of Bahia State, the next two steps are, again, two pearls. Barra Grande is located in the Maraú Peninsula and seems to have frozen in time. The presence of mangroves, restaurants and an extensive...
by Thierry Couteau | 29 Nov 2019
Boipeba & Morro de São Paolo Morro de São Paulo is located a few hours by boat from Salvador, on Tinharé which seems to be one among so many other islands in the Camamu archipelago. However, a single look at a map reveals that this site benefits from a strategic...
by Thierry Couteau | 29 Nov 2019
Chapada Diamantina Brazil has incredibly diverse landscapes. Away from the “clichés” and postcards of fine sandy beaches and coconut palms, Chapada Diamantina will make you experience a different Brazil. This region in the heart of the largest state in the...
by Thierry Couteau | 29 Nov 2019
Salvador de Bahia Salvador de Bahia will seduce you and probably bewitch you. It is a city steeped in the history of Brazil which is the source of its diversity and multiculturalism. From its monuments, its museum and festivals where religions and cultures converge,...